The benefits of having a dedicated workspace 


Ha… the many joys of teleworking. We wouldn’t do without it anymore! On the other hand, it can be difficult to work from home day in and day out. Here are some of the benefits of working in a dedicated workspace:

1-Better concentration: Having a space dedicated to work allows you to create a mental separation between your personal and professional life. This can help you focus more on your tasks and avoid distractions from other tasks you usually do in the same room.

2-Work ritual: Having a dedicated workspace can create a ritual that signals your brain that it’s time to switch to work mode. This can help you get into the right state of mind more easily and get your tasks started faster.

3-Stress reduction: By clearly separating your workspace from your personal spaces, you can reduce the stress associated with mixing tasks. It can help you relax more once the workday is over.

4- Creativity and inspiration: As we already mentioned in a previous blog: Augmentez votre créativité en travaillant dans un nouvel endroit – Telework (, working outside the home can stimulate creativity due to new visual and auditory stimuli, as well as because of the conversations that take place with other professionals.

On the other hand, no one wants to have to invest long hours of transportation to get all these benefits. What if the perfect office was only a few steps away from your home?


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