The 5 types of teleworking bosses


The 5 types of teleworking bosses

You have certainly recognized yourself as one of the teleworkers described in our previous articles 5 types of teleworkers – Telework (  and 5 Types of teleworkers part 2 – Telework ( In this article, we present to you the types of bosses with whom you have probably already worked.

1-The G.O: This one researched the isolation of teleworking employees and decided to organize several activities to overcome this problem. Chat meetings on Monday mornings, virtual 5 to 7 on Thursday evenings, he is always available for a little chat and does his best to ensure that no one is left out.

2- The intense: He is a workoholic and thinks that his entire team should do the same. He sends emails outside of office hours and expect to receive a response, does not count his overtime or those of his employees and misunderstand the principle of barrier between personal and professional life.

3- The spy: He  monitors everyone’s login and disconnection times and notes when an employee seems to be stretching their break by sending passive-aggressive messages like, ‘I see you’re not here, is everything okay?’

4- The Chill One: He comes to talk to you just when necessary, always seems in a good mood and does not try to control everyone’s connection time. As long as the work is done, he is happy!

5- The stubborn one: His intentions are good, we must recognize that. He sends weekly surveys on ways to improve the organization and asks everyone to make suggestions to increase the well-being of teleworking employees. He encourages everyone to participate in activities organized by the company such as health walks during lunch time and coffee chats on the last Wednesday of each month.

So which one best suits your own boss?


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