Quiz: What Type of Worker Are You?


Here’s a little quiz to discover what type of worker you are:

Question 1: What is your ideal weekday morning routine?

 a) I’m the person who does yoga before sunrise, eats organic avocado, and plans my day to put even Google Calendar to shame.

b) The alarm clock is my sworn enemy, but I’m still the person who knows how to make casual sweats look like the trendiest office outfit.

c) Breakfast? Takes too much time. I prefer to tackle my day like a ninja, ready to conquer the world.

Question 2: How do you handle deadlines at work?

a) I am the Mozart of planning; every task is a note in my symphony of productivity.

 b) I’m like a superhero, only springing into action when the deadline is imminent, but I always save the day.

 c) I am the king of the professional sprint. Deadlines are like milestones on a race track, and I cross them with style.

Question 3: How do you react to workplace conflict?

a) I am the office mediator, ready to organize a peace summit to resolve conflicts.

 b) Conflict? Me? No, I’m the person who brings cookies and tries to defuse every disagreement with a bit of humor.

c) Conflict resolved in 60 seconds. I don’t have time to get entangled in petty squabbles.

Question 4: What is your relationship with technology at work?

a) I am so high-tech that even my Post-its have an app.

b) I’m the person with a state-of-the-art computer but still doesn’t know how the coffee machine works.

c) Computer? I prefer my trusty notebooks and well-sharpened pencil. Old school but still cool.

Question 5: How do you prefer to receive feedback on your work?

 a) I’m the person with an entire wall of small notes with constructive feedback. My desk looks like a work of art.

b) I am the zen master of feedback. Nothing can shake my professional serenity.

 c) No fuss. A thumbs up or down, and we move on. I am the Tinder version of professional feedback.


 Majority of answers a): Congratulations, you are the productivity guru, the supreme planner!

Majority of answers b): You are the laid-back superhero, the zen master of balanced productivity.

Majority of answers c): Bravo, you are the professional sprinter, the one not distracted by any adversity!


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