Is concentration contagious?

According to a study conducted by researchers at Vrije University in Brussels, concentration is ‘contagious’, i.e. working in a space where other people work has a positive effect on our ability to perform our tasks. Here are some factors that may explain this phenomenon:

1-Motivation: Seeing other people focused and productive can cause a mimicry effect in you. Observing other workers can therefore create an environment that is inspiring and conducive to productivity.

2- Responsibility: Working surrounded by other people can engage a sense of responsibility towards your own work. Being aware that other people can see you can make you more engaged in your tasks.

3- Emulation: The presence of other people who work hard can push you to want to give the best of yourself. You may feel energized by a healthy competitive atmosphere and seek to excel in order to maintain the same level of performance as those around you.

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