Fun facts about Teleworking

Here are some fun facts about teleworking:

1.Productivity in Pajamas:

 Many remote workers enjoy the luxury of working in their pajamas. According to a PajamaGram survey, 75% of telecommuters report working in pajamas at least once a week.

2.No Commute, More Sleep:

Remote workers often save time by eliminating their daily commute. According to an Amerisleep survey, people working from home save an average of 35 minutes per day that would have been spent commuting. This can translate into more sleep or leisure time.

3.Virtual Coffee Machine Moments:

Remote workers often miss the social interactions associated with office work. To address this, some companies have implemented virtual break times or virtual coffee breaks to help employees connect in a more informal setting.

4.Flexible Schedules:

 One of the advantages of working from home is the ability to have a more flexible schedule. According to an Owl Labs survey, 44% of remote workers report having a more flexible schedule, allowing them to better balance work and personal life.

5.The Rise of “Zoom Fatigue”:

With the increased use of video conferencing tools like Zoom, a phenomenon known as “Zoom fatigue” has emerged. Staring at a screen for extended periods can be tiring, and people may feel more exhausted after virtual meetings than in-person ones.

In summary, telecommuting provides a balance between comfort and flexibility, although “Zoom fatigue” underscores the ongoing need to adapt to this new professional norm.

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