Guide for effective Teleworking

Here’s a short guide to help you work effectively while teleworking

1-Establish a routine: Keep a daily routine similar to the one you had in the office. Set start and end times to maintain structure.

2-Eliminate distractions: Identify potential distractions in your environment and minimize them as much as possible. Mute non-essential notifications and avoid distracting websites during working hours.

3-Prioritize communication: Stay in regular contact with your team via online communication tools such as instant messaging and video conferencing. Share your progress and ask questions if necessary.

4- Take regular breaks: Give yourself short breaks to recharge your energy. This can improve your focus and productivity.

5- Use time management techniques: Experiment with methods like the Pomodoro technique to stay focused for set periods of time, followed by short breaks.

Hope this guide was helpful to you!


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