5 Types of teleworkers part 2

If you hadn’t identified with one of the types of teleworker in our previous article 5 types de télétravailleurs – Telework (teleworkapp.com) you’ll definitely be able to do so in this one.

1-The thrifty: He takes the opportunity to save money on lunches outside, clothing and transport. He recently made an appointment with his financial advisor to put all this money aside.

2-The green one: Since he works from home, he got rid of his second car. Teleworking is for him an essential solution to the problem of global warming and he is an activist in this sense.

3-The sociable: He often gets bored and hates to stay alone in his apartment all day. He eventually found the best of both worlds and often goes to a coworking space near his home to save time in transportation while continuing to work well surrounded.

4-The newbie: He started his career working from home and does not understand all the conversations about the ‘time before’. One thing is certain, he has adapted more than well and finds it inconceivable to have to spend hours in transport every week to do the same work he can do from wherever he wants.

5-The mother: Happy with the hours saved to spend more time with her children, but is definitely overwhelmed during the pedagogical days.

So, which one are you?



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